I'll be honest. This cake isn't new to the internet. But it sure is delicious! I first made it for my sister's birthday on January first, and then I made it again when I found out we were having company for my birthday the very next evening! It's just that good. :)
I don't remember the particulars but I'm sure I've made it a few times since then, not including this past Monday, when I made it for a small, late, but lovely celebration of Tabitha's birthday. It was a sister night, mainly, although there were some roommates and, briefly, her husband involved. We first had cake and ice-cream, because we were all starving and the pizza still had to be gotten, and then we had pizza. Yummy. :)
And we watched "North and South," which I quite enjoyed. In the past you wouldn't find me watching, reading, or in any way enjoying any kind of historical drama... But I can't say I had any complaints about this one, except that it was four hours long. But you know, that gives you the opportunity to really get to know the characters. In fact, I think I'm going to read the book, when I get the chance to go to the library.

Anyhow... the cake! The recipe I found for it was accompanied by a delicious chocolate frosting, but my sister wanted a cream cheese frosting, so I fudged it a little so it was something in between. And then I covered it with miniature chocolate chips. It took half a bag! But overall, it wasn't the worst looking cake I've ever made, and regarding taste... Well, you simply can't go wrong with this recipe! I've added Andes pieces and hot fudge, which was delicious, and I imagine that you can do anything with it that you'd possibly need to do with a delicious chocolate cake.
Without further ado, I give you the Best Chocolate Cake (in the World) aka Black Magic Cake. (That entire title was the name under which I found it.)
Black Magic Cake
1 3/4 c all-purpose flour
2 c sugar
3/4 c cocoa powder
2 t baking soda
1 t baking powder
1 t salt
2 eggs
1 c strong black coffee, cooled
1 c buttermilk (1 T white vinegar with enough skim milk to make 1 c, let set for 5 minutes)
1/2 c vegetable oil (canola oil)
1 t vanilla extract
In a mixer bowl, combine the flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Add the eggs, coffee, buttermilk, oil, and vanilla; beat on medium for 2 minutes (my hand mixer and the one I'd borrowed from a friend both broke, so I mixed it by hand) to make a runny batter. Pour into two 9-inch round cake pans- greased and with wax paper cut to fit the bottom. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes. Release on layer onto a cardboard cake round, and top with frosting (or hot fudge and Andes). Release second layer onto the first and frost. Decorate as desired.
Chocolate Frosting
1/2 c margarine, softened (for cream cheese-ish frosting, I used 1/4 c margarine and 4 oz of neufchatel)
2 oz melted unsweetened chocolate, cooled
3 c powdered sugar (I used more for the cream cheese-ish frosting)
3 T milk (skim)
2 t vanilla extract
Combine all ingredients and mix; spread on cake. (you may want to 'cream' the margarine first... or just throw it all in a blender or food processor)